Страны мира > Остальной мир

Банановодство на Таити

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--- Quote from: Чайник777 on 10 August 2023, 13:25:56 ---Я ищу в мире хороших новостей а находятся в основном не очень.

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Была Гвиана, теперь Израиль - что дальше? Проблема банановодства на Таити? :D


--- Quote from: Euskaldun on 10 August 2023, 13:56:55 ---Была Гвиана, теперь Израиль - что дальше? Проблема банановодства на Таити? :D

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На Таити есть бананы?  :what?

Если садили, то должны быть.


--- Quote from: cetsalcoatle on 10 August 2023, 13:58:20 ---На Таити есть бананы?  :what?

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Вас в Гугле забанили?

--- Quote ---Four banana species in total grow in our islands, two of which are indigenous to French Polynesia and can only be eaten cooked (fei and meia), and two others introduced by the Europeans that can be eaten cooked or raw (rio and hamoa). Except the fei that grows widly between 400 and 1,000 m, the other varieties are cultivated here and there in the littoral of all high volcanic islands.
Banana trees trunk has always been largely used by Polynesians : embarked on canoes during long trips, it was used as forage for the animals ; notched, it produces an indelible sap ; used as fuel, it provides the Tahitian hoven in vapor essential to avoid carbonization ; and finally its fibers are used for weaving. Its big leaves can be used as tablecloth and as container to cook the aliments in the Tahitian hoven.
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Tahitian hoven - это видимо oven, способ запекания еды в земле или типа того...


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